Terms & Conditions (T & Cs)
1. About Us

We are a UK registered not-for-profit policy research, analysis, advisory, and observatory. Any queries regarding our terms and conditions should be sent to [email protected]

2. Your Requirement

You are required to read these “T & Cs” carefully before navigating our website, access our services, and registering as a member. It represents a legal agreement between you and The Policy Observatory. By continuing to navigate our website, use our services, and register as a member you agree to these “T & Cs”.

3. Responsible use of our website

Do not use our website for any unlawful and fraudulent purposes or any purposes that are in breach of our “T & Cs” and UK laws. If you notice that you use our website for criminal, fraudulent and unlawful practices, we will report you to the relevant law enforcement authorities in the UK.

4. Our right to update and edit our website and our “T & C”

We reserve the right to edit and update our website and our “T & C” at any time without prior information and notice to our users.

5. User responsibility, consent, and the use of our website

It is the responsibility of the user to provide accurate personal information where required. By using our website, you accept and consent to our “T & C”.

6. Limitation of Liability

Our services are subject to the applicable laws of the UK. Nothing in these “T & Cs” limits the statutory rights of the users of our website. To the fullest extent permissible by law our service disclaims any liability from any inaccuracies and supposed errors in the information we provide on our website.

7. Intellectual Property

The contents on our website are our intellectual property and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. We grant our users and visitors a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to accessing our website. Treat the contents and tools on our website as commercially sensitive.

8. Communication

We will accept routine communication electronically by email and telephone except for legally binding contracts which will require paper-based communication.

9. Complaints

All complaints should be sent to [email protected]. We will endeavour to respond to complaints promptly in line with our complaints policy.

10. Privacy and confidentiality

All personal information will be treated confidentially and will not share your personal data with any third-party without your permission, except when mandated by a court of law in the UK.
Our website uses cookies which are small data files placed on the device (computer, tablet, smartphone, and others) that is used to access our website. These data files keep a record or memory of the use of our website and helps us to provide better user experience.
The cookies on our website are:
Strictly Necessary Cookies (Always Active)
These cookies are active during a browsing session and are strictly necessary for our website to work properly and securely and it expires once you stop browsing our website.
First Party Performance Cookies (Always Active)
These cookies help us count the number of people visiting our website and to track how people are using our website so that we can improve both function and user experience.
Third Party Performance Cookies
These cookies are set by third parties and help us count the number of people visiting our website, track how people are using our website, and help us to improve both function and user experience.
Functional Cookies
These cookies help us provide personalised content and are both first- and third-party sessions and persistent cookies.
Targeting Cookies
These third party and are persistent cookies that helps us keep record of visitors and users to our website and other websites.
Linking to other websites
Note that links on our website do not in any way constitute endorsement. We do not take any responsibility for the contents and activities on these links, websites, resources, etc.

11. General Provisions

We reserve the right to transfer the rights and obligations in these “T & Cs” to our assigns and successors without your consent. The delay in the exercise of the rights in these “T & Cs” shall not constitute a waiver. The “T & Cs” governing this contract supersedes and ends all previous agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, and understandings and constitute the entire agreement regarding the use of The Policy Observatory website.

12. Legal Jurisdiction

The Courts of England and Wales shall have jurisdiction in case of any dispute that may arise from these “T & Cs.”

The Policy Observatory
Your policy partners.